
Cachaça is Brazil's national drink, the most common is that you can enjoy it pure, but it's also popular to mix it with raw sugar, lime and ice to get a good Caipirinha!
Cachaça is a type of alcohol which essentially is similar to rum. It is rum distilled from fresh squeezed sugar cane juice. Unlike rum is cachaça origin marked and comes from Brazil. It must also contain 100% sugar cane distillate.
Cachaça is considered to maintain the sugar taste better than traditional rum. Cachaça is also known as aguardente de cana (sugar cane brandy) or pinging. The expression ping comes from the time the slaves did their own Cachaça and slang expression for the drop, the one that came from the distillery.
Ypióca is the largest producer of Cachaça in Brazil with a production capacity of 126 million liters per year. Ypioca has manufactured Cachaça for five generations, all the raw material comes from their own lands. Ypióca is a quality product with a part of the entire chain of production, from harvest to bottling, where quality control is an important part of the work. The bottle is not an exception. 5000 craftsman use their talent to braid Ypióca bottles with sugar cane plants.
All Cachaça as Ypioca manufactures is stored 1-6 years in oak barrels. It allows the alcohol to become more elegant and complex.